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Sealing vs. Expungement: What's the difference?


If you have a criminal record, you may have heard that it can be sealed or expunged if it meets certain requirements. Many people use the words “seal” and “expunge” interchangeably, but they mean very different things. So what is the difference and how do you know which one is right for you?

Record Sealing

Not all records are sealable, and not everyone can seal their record. Contact the Self Help Resource Center to find out if you are eligible. Most eligible records may be sealed but not expunged. When a judge orders a record to be sealed, the record is not destroyed. Instead, it is locked away so that most people can no longer access the record. Imagine locking your record in a filing cabinet and only certain people have the key. Most employers cannot see sealed records.


Expungement is available to much fewer people. When a record is expunged, it is destroyed forever. No one keeps any record that the case ever existed. Imagine shredding your record and destroying it forever. No one will have access to an expunged record because it no longer exists. 

Only certain people can expunge their records. You may be eligible to expunge your record if you meet one of these requirements: 

  • You are a survivor of human trafficking and the cases on your record were related to your involvement in human trafficking. 
  • Your conviction is from Juvenile Court.  
  • Your conviction is one of a very limited set of gun crimes from before 2011. 

For help understanding if you can seal or expunge your criminal record, visit the Self Help Resource Center Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM.